Monday, November 16, 2015

Black Ops Three Weevil

When I usually play Call of Duty I use Assault Rifles. When I got Black Ops Three I just loved using the Sub-machine Guns. The Weevil reminds me of the P90 on Modern Warfare Two. The Weevil is not very strong, but the fire rate helps it a lot. It is a nice looking gun. It is not very accurate and does not have good range.


  1. I like your selection. Maybe you could start doing more secondary weapons. Like the theme keep it.

    1. Thanks for reminding me of the secondary weapons I got some ideas for them.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with your list. Maybe you could do some of the older guns too, like the PPSH-41. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks I will start doing more older guns like the MP-40.

  3. I play Call of Duty myself every now and then so you have me interested. Maybe try and intrigue people to know more about it by listing the facts such as how many rounds per second or how much ammunition it holds before it's empty. Great blog!

    1. Thanks for the idea of the ammunition I will start doing that.

  4. I love Black ops games! I like what you did with all the different guns, so far, i've only played bo3 on redbox, but i'm thinking about buying it.

  5. I love Black ops games! I like what you did with all the different guns, so far, i've only played bo3 on redbox, but i'm thinking about buying it.

    1. Black Ops Three is so much fun. I saved up for it and a Xbox One and it was worth every.

  6. Boom You got it right Tyler!! Weevil is one of the best guns in Black Ops 3. I use it all the time. It is so much fun to use it.

  7. The Weevil is one of my favorite gun on Bo3. I am surprised you didn't have any snipers or the M8A7. The weevil is really good.
