Thursday, November 5, 2015

M1 Irons Advanced Warfare

 The M1 Irons is the only gun in Call of Duty that is a pistol but a primary weapon. This weapon is very accurate and very strong. The M1 Irons is a one shot in the head, and sometimes a two shot in the leg or body. When this gun came out almost every lobby was using this gun. It looks like a western revolver and sounds like one. This will be the one of two Advanced Warfare guns.


  1. I like how it's a pistol because pistols are one of my favorite guns, but you could tell more about the gun's uses in the game and how effective it is.

    1. I will get more information on the next pistol I do. Thanks.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very nice, i do agree that the M1 Advanced Warfare is a great primary weapon.
